Matt Cook

Matt Cook (2021)


What are your most important educational and musical moments?
I love traveling with the EMU Choir where I am affectionately known as the “Choir Dad,” a point of pride for me. Participating in US and international tours with the Choir has been a fabulous experience. Our concert at Carnegie Hall stands out as a highlight. 

Why did you choose music?  Your instrument?
I started taking music classes when I was three years old and have always been “musical.” I have fun making music and do it now as a side “hustle!” Since I always wished I had made music a career, I’m now working on a bachelor’s degree in music. 

What are you currently doing?
I actually am an Associate Professor of Geography at Eastern Michigan University. In addition to my faculty position teaching geography, I love singing with the Mariner’s Church Choir and the Detroit Concert Choir. 

Tell us about your family.
I live with nine women: my wife Karen, five chickens, two dogs, and one hedgehog!

Any non-musical interests or hobbies?
I started a new hobby during the pandemic…collecting old functional typewriters from the 1950 to 1970 era! I have five now and would love to find more. I am interested in historic preservation and have brought students to Beaver Island to work on a project with the BI Historical Society. I also love to run. 

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