Emily Ruddell – Board Member
Emily Ruddell first came to Beaver Island in l968 for her honeymoon and she has been coming for summer vacations every year since l982. In 2011 she began staying all summer and in 2017, started coming in January/February for a “month of winter.” When Emily is not on the island, she is in Tallahassee, FL where she has lived for 52 years.
Emily is a retired elementary special education teacher. Besides serving on the board of the Beaver Island Performing Arts Alliance (BIPAA), she volunteers at the Print Shop Museum and is activity in Community Center programs. She is also member of the Bookies of Beaver Island, the library book club.
In Florida, Emily serves on the board of a chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, an international society of women educators and the Leon-Wakulla Retired Educators Association. She also volunteers at the local school and hospital.