Your Support is Critical

Each year, Baroque on Beaver must raise at least 33% of its operating budget through individual donations from people like you. The funds raised from our annual fundraising drives help make up the difference between what is earned from other revenue (ticket sales, program book ads, concert sponsorships, grants) and what it costs to produce our Festival season.

If you’ve given in the past, we would really appreciate a renewal of your gift to the Festival. If possible, we hope you’ll consider an even greater gift to assist with our ever-increasing costs to support our world-class musicians, guest artists, staff, housing, transportation, music rental, marketing, operations, and a variety of other miscellaneous expenses.

If you’ve never given, please consider making a donation. With our combined strong artistic and administrative professionals, a committed Board, and sound financial management and growth, we have been able to bring 23 years of Baroque on Beaver to our beloved island. We need your help to ensure we can continue to bring great music to the Beaver Island community for many years to come.

We invite businesses and individuals to personalize their support of Baroque on Beaver and the Beaver Island Performing Arts Alliance by sponsoring an artist, concert, or area of need. By becoming an Advertiser or Sponsor you ensure that the Beaver Island Performing Arts Alliance will be able to provide great musical and cultural performances, educational programs, and community outreach. Your support is a visible statement to our patrons of your commitment to the Beaver Island community and Northern Michigan.


Donor Levels


$5 to $99

Print Program Recognition


$100 to $499

Friend Benefits AND
E-newsletter / E-mail Blast Subscription


$500 to $999

Supporter Benefit AND
Website Listing / Acknowledgement


$1,000 to $1,999

  • Patron Benefits AND
    • Named Sponsorship of (choose one):
      • “Meals for Musicians” Daily Lunch Program
      • “Shelter for the Stars” Musician Housing Program
      • Donegal Bay Winds Concert
      • Holiday Concert


$2,000 to $4,999

  • Patron Benefits AND
    • Named Sponsorship of (ch0se one):
      • Brass on the Grass Concert
      • Annual Baroque Musicians Dinner at The Brothers’ Place
      • Principal or Section Instrumentalist
      • Guest Soloist or Artist


$5,000 to $9,999

  • Patron Benefits AND
    • 2 tickets to Opening Night
    • Named Sponsorship of choose one:
      • Ticketed Baroque Festival Concert
        or other BIPAA Series Event
      • BIPAA Arts Administration Intern Program
      • BIPAA Grant Research Program


$10,000 to $14,999

  • 2 VIP tickets to All Baroque and BIPAA Events
  • Named Sponsorship of (choose one):
    • Named Gift to BIPAA’s C3F Endowment Fund
    • Named Sponsorship of Beaver Island Jazz Series
    • Named Sponsorship of Bi-Annual Commissioned Piece


$15,000 +

  • 4VIP tickets to All Baroque and BIPAA Events
  • Named Season Sponsorship OR Named Gift to BIPAA’s C3F Endowment Fund


$7,500 Annually

  • Maestro Benefits AND:
    • Sponsorship of a Baroque Festival Concert,
      or other BIPAA Series Event
    • Customized underwriting message and thank you
      presented verbally and on screen prior to concert
    • Your company’s color logo on Baroque website (with
      hyperlinks to your website); Full page ad in digital and printed program books; Business logo displayed on banner in lobby at every concert
    • Full-page ad in digital and printed season-program books
    • Your business logo displayed on banner in lobby at every concert
    • Your business logo placed in marketing materials
      and social media for sponsored concert
    • Written credit in concert news releases

Are you interested in:
Giving gifts of stock as a donation?
Splitting your sponsorship between friends?
Pledging and paying your sponsorship in installments?
Supporting the BIPAA endowment fund at the
Charlevoix County Community Foundation?
Scan Here:
beaver-island-performing-arts-alliance-endowment barcode

Please contact Executive Director, Matthew Thomas at



Become a part of our team. For more information, please contact We need your help to make the Festival a success!
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